Use this code to access pipeline to Gemini from inside NotebookLM Gemini can instruct you on the procedure to aquire an API key if you don't already have one. It's simple and takes two seconds. Look for the line that says "YOUR API KEY HERE" and paste your API key Copy paste the code in its entirety with your API in designated spot into a source in NotebookLM. Submit your query to the pipeline by using the following format: call_gemini("Your Question Here?")
**This method is useable but unstable. You can file it under unorthodox and out of the box usage. But cool nonetheless. FYI I am not a "coder" I'm a noob and a slacker. It might not be pretty but it works.. sort of.
import functools
from transformers import pipeline
# Initialize pipeline functions (outside the loop for efficiency)
sentiment_analyzer = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")
question_answerer = pipeline("question-answering")
# In-memory cache (limited to current session)
call_cache = {}
def unified_pipeline(task, text, **kwargs):
"""Handles multiple pipeline tasks based on input."""
if task == "sentiment-analysis":
return sentiment_analyzer(text)
elif task == "question-answering":
return question_answerer(**kwargs)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported task: {task}")
def get_context_from_api(question):
"""Retrieves context from Gemini API, attempting extraction with NER and keywords."""
if question in call_cache:
return call_cache[question]
# Replace placeholders with your actual API call details (URL, headers, etc.)
# Ensure proper formatting and authentication (if required)
api_url = f"https://YOUR_GEMINI_API_ENDPOINT?query={question}"
headers = {"Authorization": "YOUR_API_KEY"} # Replace with your credentials
# Simplified response handling (assuming a plain text response from Gemini)
response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers).text # Use appropriate library
# Attempt to extract information using NER (if supported)
import spacy # Try to import spaCy for Named Entity Recognition
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") # Load a small spaCy model (if available)
doc = nlp(response)
# Extract entities based on question type (who, what, when, where)
if question.lower().startswith("who"):
answer = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_ in ("PERSON")]
elif question.lower().startswith("what"):
answer = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents] # Consider refining based on task
elif question.lower().startswith("when") or question.lower().startswith("where"):
answer = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_ in ("DATE", "GPE")]
answer = [] # Fallback for other question types
except ImportError:
answer = [] # No spaCy, fallback to keyword search
# Fallback or additional approach: Keyword search
if not answer:
keywords = question.lower().split()
answer = [snippet for snippet in response.lower().split("\n") if any(key in snippet for key in keywords)]
call_cache[question] = answer
return answer
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during API call: {e}")
return None
def answer_question(question, context=""):
"""Answers questions using the appropriate pipeline, potentially using cached context."""
if not context and question in call_cache:
# Attempt to answer using cached information (potentially from NER or keywords)
context = call_cache[question]
if context:
# If context is available (from cache or current call), use it for QA
for answer_snippet in context:
answer = question_answerer(question=question, context=answer_snippet)
if answer and answer["answer"]: # Check for answer existence
return answer
return "There seems to be an issue contacting Gemini or no relevant info found."
def call_gemini(query):
"""Interacts with Gemini and returns response (limited caching)."""
response = get_context_from_api(query)
if response:
return response
return "There seems to be an issue contacting Gemini. Please try again later."
while True:
question = input("Ask me a question (or type 'quit' to exit): ")
if question.lower() == 'quit':
context = call_gemini(question)
if context: # Check if context retrieval was successful
answer = answer_question(question=question, context=context)
print(f"Bard (powered by Gemini): {answer}")
print(f"Unable to retrieve context for your question.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during interaction: {e}")